Course Code: 30523, Lectures: 3, Credits: 3
The course will thoroughly acquaint students with systems engineering by covering the 1) different aspects of complex systems engineering, software intensive systems, and the way in which systems engineering fits into a project’s life cycle, 2) techniques, tools, and methodology that constitute the foundation for successful systems engineering, and 3) subjects at the forefront of systems engineering research. Students will develop systems using proven methods.
The life cycle of a project; analysis of requirements; overall / initial planning; machines, situations, and state charts; design for checkability and checks; building a work program; risk management; trade-off in systems engineering – Quality Function Deployment (QFD); automatic verification; the world of software – working with “Agile”; “Agile” workshop; Behavioral Programming (BP). Models, visual languages, tools, and methodology that constitute the foundation of systems engineering, together with concepts and processes of project management. The course focuses on system engineering for software-based systems, but will also touch on aspects of system engineering for the entire product. The course uses “real world” large systems to go through project stages, from initiation and requirements’ analysis, through planning with tests, risk management and the engineering trade-offs.
At the conclusion of the course, students will be familiar with the 1) development processes of complex new products and able to adapt them to the needs of their specific projects, 2) process of managing the requirements, specifications, and tools used in them, 3) methods for optimizing creative systemic design, 4) processes of verifying and validating system checks and also their planning methods 5) planning of systemic integration, effective in investment and in time, 6) methods for forecasting the availability of the system throughout the development process, and 7) ways of analyzing and managing errors and tolerances.
- Kossiakoff, Sweet, Seymour, Biemer: Systems Engineering Principles and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
- INCOSE: Systems Engineering Handbook 3.2.2, INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.2, 2011
- INCOSE: Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) v1.8, INCOSE, 2017
- ISO/IEC 15288/IEEE Std 15288-2008 - Systems and Software Engineering, System Life Cycle Processes
Further Reading
- Bohdan W. Oppenheim - Lean Product Development Flow, PMI &INCOSE, 2013
- NASA: Systems Engineering Handbook, NASA/SP-2007-6105 Rev1, 2007
- Federal Aviation Administration: Systems Engineering Manual, FAA ASD 100, 2003
- Gilb, T., Principles of Software Engineering Management, Addison-Wesley, 1988
- Peter H. Sydenhan: Systems approach to engineering design, Artech House, 2006
- DOD: Systems Engineering Guide for Systems of Systems, Director, Systems and Software Engineering, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, 2008