Course Code: 30512, Lectures: 2, Credits: 2
To provide the capability to understand the competitive environment in which hi-tech entrepreneurship operates; familiarity with how the company works to achieve its objectives; developing the ability to build plans for the organization’s strategy. Analysis of the environment in which commercial entrepreneurship operates; development of generic models for commercial strategy: structure, participants and their characteristics, analysis of the entrepreneurship’s resources, setting the company’s targets, examination and definition of the strategies designed to achieve a sustainable, competitive advantage; translation of the chosen strategy into tangible action in different fields: adapting the entrepreneurship’s organizational structure and management culture to the chosen strategy; development of models – life cycles – of technologies, markets and industries; life cycle of a start-up company; a model for entering the market; reprisal actions for competitors, suppliers and customers throughout the life cycles.
Analysis of the environment in which a commercial entrepreneurship operates and development of generic models for commercial strategy: examination and definition of the strategies designed to achieve a sustainable, competitive advantage; translation of the chosen strategy into tangible action in different fields; adapting the entrepreneurship’s organizational structure and management culture to the chosen strategy; the impact of the cultural changes in the firm’s environment on its commercial strategy. Models of commercial strategy; development of models – life cycles – of technologies, markets, and industries; life cycle of a start-up company; a model for breaking onto the market; reprisal actions for the competitors, suppliers, and customers throughout the life cycles.
Students who successfully complete the course will be able to understand the competitive environment in which commercial organizations operate, analyze the organizational environment, build a strategic plan for the organization, and identify weak points in the existing organizational strategy.
- Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitions, 1998, Free
- Henry Mintzberg et al., The Strategy Process: Concepts, Content, Cases, 4th, 2002, Prentice Hall.
- The Lean Startup, Eric Ries, United States by Crown Business, 2011
- Giora Shalgi, The Organizational Compass – A Story of an Organization that re-invented itself; Second Edition, 2018, Contato – Neo.
Recommended Reading
- Frank T. Rothaermel, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 1stedition, 2012, McGraw-Hill/Irwin
- Managing Startups: Best Blog Posts, Tom
- The First 90 Days, Michael D.