Course Code: 30525, Lectures: 3, Credits: 3
To provide tools for the analysis and improvement of organizational integration and excellence.
Developing a technological and founding a start-up organization require organizational integration (interested parties, processes, structure, culture, environments, etc.) as well as understanding of the optimal allocation of management energy to create organizational excellence. The way to create a healthy organization, is to create integration between all its components (Adizes, 2006). In the course, we will learn how to integrate the different components of an organization, including with its surroundings, through understanding the reasons for the organizational ‘crumbling’ in the stages of its life cycle (Adizes, 2004). What organizational capability is required in an organization? How can different conflicts be spotted? What are the implications for the organization? (Samuel 2010), and how can a destructive conflict be turned into a constructive conflict? During the course we will integrate tools from the field of OpEx (Operational Excellence [Liker 2004]), and we will illustrate how they can be implemented also at the organizational level, to create organizational excellence (OrgEx, tools such as management and improvement of organizational processes, organizational value chains, organizational information systems, etc.). The course combines practical and theoretical sections, in which the students will practice and implement the material studied, and case studies will be investigated, to create leading organizations (Colins, 2001, Kusonoki et. Al., 1998).
At the course’s conclusion, students will be ready to cope with the complexity, challenges, and risks of organizational growth, internal or external. The course will improve the student’s ability to achieve organizational excellence and create engineering and organizational integration.
- Adizes, I. (2004). Managing Corporate Lifecycles, Vol.1, pp. 3-182.
- Adizes, I. (2006) Healing Your Dilemmas, Leadership Excellence; Vol. 23, No. 7; ABI/INFORM Global.
- Collins (2001). Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap . . . and Others Don’t, New York: Harper Business.
- Daft, R. (2008). Organizational Theory and Design. 9th ed. Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College
- Kusunoki, K., I. Nonaka and A. Nagata. (1998). Organizational Capabilities in Product Development in Japanese Firms: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Organization Science. Vol. 9, pp. 699-718.
- Liker, Jeffrey K. (2004). The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer. McGraw-Hill.
- Samuel (2010). Organizational Pathology: Life and Death of Organizations. University of Haifa Press.